PA Monthly Town Hall

Thank you to the 66 families who attended the January Town Hall with Maddie Warlan, school counselor, and Lauren Martin, wellness faculty. Ms. Warlan and Ms. Martin highlighted the student support structures in place at Winsor, including collaboration with faculty and staff to integrate time for connection and reflection in the curriculum. Ms. Warlan and Ms. Martin also shared the following tips for supporting students at home and creating an environment for dialogue with the specific needs of lower school and upper school students in mind. 

  • Pay attention to changes in baseline
  • Work in self care or create rituals (a cup of tea at night, a daily walk outside)
  • Children seek support from family, adolescents seek support from peers
  • Name things that are out of control
  • Asking and listen
  • Create spaces for dialogue
Winsor families can log on to WILD to view a recording of the informative discussion under Resources.