
Welcome—and Thank You

For generations, the Winsor School has lived its mission with the generous support of our extended community. Alums, past and current families, friends, and faculty and staff come together to close the gap between tuition revenue and the actual cost of the outstanding education Winsor offers.

Our students come to Winsor from cities and towns throughout Greater Boston. Our ability to provide an equitable experience for all who enter strengthens the fabric of our student body. Together, we ensure that all students enjoy the full benefits of the Winsor experience.

If you have questions about ways to give or how to get involved in fundraising events, please get in touch with a member of the Winsor Advancement team. We guide donors through the process of making gifts of every size, from contributions to the Winsor Fund to multi-year campaign commitments to legacy gifts that we plan with donors years ahead.

We look forward to partnering with you.

Erika Mc Mahon  is a board/advisory member at The Winsor School

Erika McMahon

Director of Advancement