October 20, 2021—Head of School Sarah Pelmas honored this year’s Lamp of Learning Society members as well as alumnae who have reached the milestone of their 50th reunion and Julia Lymon Simonds ‘17 Alumnae Award winners during a virtual luncheon. Although members were unable to gather in person this year due to the pandemic, it was wonderful to be able to connect with Winsor women across the globe, including Finland, Rome and the United Kingdom.
Sarah Pelmas opened the meeting, with more than 30 guests in attendance, and invited Jane Hoeffel Otte ’57 P’84, ‘86, GP’25 to recognize and honor the life of Allie Flather Blodgett ‘52, whose death was a “great loss to the Winsor community and her many admirers.” Allie, who would have been celebrating her 70th reunion, was described by many as a “supportive, wonderful alumna and friend.” Also of note, is that Allie shared a birthday (October 31) with Miss Winsor herself! Her memory will be forever remembered.
Sarah updated the group on Winsor today. “Life is quite good at the Winsor school. Everyone is so happy to be back with each other in person,” Sarah said. “Even though we are wearing masks inside, much happens outdoors under our large tent.”
She walked through our measures to safely reopen and adjust to pandemic life as well as our ongoing commitment to our DEI work and focus on wellness. Supporting our kids included, among other things, looking at and making new schedules so that no student ever has the same class two days in a row; health classes in all of our grades; and welcoming a brand new head of our wellness department, Amanda Santos Valenzuela.
She was also pleased to announce our brand new chef who makes food “so good, it’s hard to describe.” Our students are coming back for seconds or thirds and enjoying the assortment of fresh fruits and produce that keep our students well nourished throughout the day.
Sarah also noted that it was Spirit Week at the school and shared a photo montage of our students and faculty dressing in their artistic best for the occasion. She also indicated that we were all in preparation for this year’s Under the Lights celebration and greatly looking forward to the high energy and bonding that comes with that tradition. Attendees also enjoyed footage of our annual fall concert and enjoyed our senior choral group, Illumina, led by Choral Director Andrew Marshall.
Many in attendance enjoyed connecting using the virtual chat feature and the luncheon ended with more questions and answer time about the future of the school. Additionally, Sarah informed the group about our current accreditation process and the feedback from the accrediting committee, who characterized Winsor as “exceptional” and bounded by “love.” It led to some nice discussions as many in attendance know that this is the Winsor that is and has always been.
When you join the Lamp of Learning Society, you demonstrate your commitment to the education of future generations of Winsor students. Interested in learning more about the Lamp of Learning Society? Contact Anna Fravel P’28, at afravel@winsor.edu.