News Archive
Award-Winning Artist Ekua Holmes Visits Winsor
On Monday, February 3, Winsor hosted award-winning artist and activist Ekua Holmes to help kick off Black History Month. Ms. Holmes spent a busy day at Winsor in large part thanks to Administrative Assistant to the Division Heads Danica Villanueva and Lower School Division Head Sharon Jones Phinney. Holmes is a graduate of the Shady…
Parents’ Association Leads the Way on Community Service Day
On Thursday, January 23, the entire Lower School division was invited to participate in Lower School Community Service Day. Held on a day off between Semester 1 and Semester 2, the Winsor Parents’ Association arranged and organized this year’s volunteer opportunities partnering with Cradles to Crayons and Community Servings for the event. “Coordinating Community Service…
Seismic Success: Winsor Alum’s on-Campus Seismometer Detects Maine Quake
Earlier this week, an earthquake off the coast of York, Maine registered 3.9 on the Richter scale. Not only were tremors felt much closer to home in Boston, they were also recorded by a seismometer tucked under a table on the floor of the Robotics Lab at Winsor. Years ago, Science Faculty and Essential Winsor…
Class II Presents the Annual Greek Symposium
History Faculty Josh Constant created the Greek Symposium—a fixture of the Class II curriculum since 2009—as a way for students to practice their research and collaboration skills. Sharing results from six weeks of focused study, the Class II projects examine the “golden age” of Greece—a time of great prosperity and learning in Greek history. History…
Annual MLK Social Justice Assembly Brings History to Life
Winsor’s annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy took place during a special all-school assembly. Following the federal holiday, Winsor gathered students, faculty, and staff in the David. E. and Stacey L. Goel Theater to present “At the Table with Dr. King.” A multimedia performance, the program highlighted key events of…
The Kindest Bird in the Forest
“In this forest you’re never alone. Bienvenidos! Welcome to our home!” sang students in the opening number of the Class I play The Bird of One Thousand Colors.
Finding Independence in Paris
by Nell Sparks ’25 Through the Our Winsor Voice series, we asked Winsor students to share an experience that brought them joy, shaped their worldview, developed a new passion, or created a new learning environment. Nell Sparks ’25 shared her experience in a summer program in Paris provided by the Nora Saltonstall Scholarship. The July…
Lisa Stringfellow Publishes Her Second Middle-Grade Novel, Kingdom of Dust
“I have always been a lover of fairy tales,” said Lisa Stringfellow, who teaches Class I and Class II English at Winsor. In addition to her classroom teaching, Ms. Stringfellow holds several leadership roles as a Class I coordinator and the Lower School community and inclusion coordinator. And despite wearing many hats, she still finds…
Director of Finance Wins 2024 NBOA Professional Achievement Award
Winsor’s Director of Finance Elizabeth McNeil received the 2024 NBOA Professional Achievement Award. “I have the honor of announcing that not only has she won, but she is one of only 10 independent school business office staff members across the world to receive the 2024 NBOA Professional Achievement Award,” Head of School Sarah Pelmas told…
Students Explore the Different Meanings of Joy at the Winter Music Concert
Ruminating on the theme of joy, the annual Winter Music Concert featured music from different cultures and traditions. Like the Winter Dance Concert, the annual Winter Music Concert is a culmination of classwork for students across grades and divisions. The performance features over a hundred instrumentalists and vocalists from Lower School Orchestra, Chamber Players, Lower…