January 27, 2023 — On Friday, the Lower School hosted its start-of-semester clubs rollout, an overview of the clubs offered during the second semester. Clubs are held every Friday afternoon for thirty minutes and encompass a wide variety of student interests from costuming, to yoga, to even mustaches! Many Lower School faculty members run clubs, and — especially in second semester — students are also invited to start their own clubs with the help of a faculty advisor.
The clubs rollout began with presentations from the tumbling and Planet Protectors clubs of the previous semester. The tumbling club, which spent the semester “transforming rocks with sharp edges into beautiful pieces of jewelry” using a rock tumbler, summarized their tumbling process and presented some of the pieces they created, to many “ooh”s from Lower School students. Planet Protectors club gave a recap of some of the projects that they worked on over the semester, including establishing new compost bins, implementing eco-friendly whiteboard markers, and collecting data for a Winsor planner recycling event. Next, Ms. Jones Phinney, the head of Lower School, shared a slideshow introducing all of the club offerings and invited the leaders of each club to stand up and deliver a short outline of what their club was about.
In interviews with various Lower School students, Anne Kelley ’27, who previously headed Coding Club, shared that running a club “was a great interbonding grade experience… I really got to know some of the [Class] Ones and Twos and Threes.” Bella Holt ’27, agreed that, “since many clubs’ points of interest are very niche, it’s very easy to find things that you have in common with other people… I still wave or say ‘hi’ to people I met in clubs like Dead Poets Society or Spectrum.” We hope that everyone has a wonderful time in their clubs this semester!